Tina’s song is great, but it is wrong. Love is not a “Second-Hand Emotion”.
In fact, Love is not an Emotion at all.
Love is the driver of all Emotion and more.
Yes, Love makes One feel happy, joyous, peaceful.
But cannot Love also make One feel sad, angry, restless?
As far as Creation goes, all Creative Expression is an Expression of Love. It could even be said that all Expression is an Expression of Love.
An Artists creation is an expression of love, an Engineers design is an expression of love, a Writers story, a Singers song, a Chefs dish…
But to Create, is it not also necessary to Destroy? In all of the above examples and many others, is something not destroyed, at some level, so something new could be created?
The mere act of Expression means Love is at play, somewhere.
Now, One may ask,
“But what about all the violence in this world,
where is the Love there?”
Violence is an Expression of an inability to accept suffering, an unwillingness to face pain.
From the post, Unrequited Love, can it not be seen that pain is just an indication of Unrequited Love?
So, does Love = Consciousness? Does Consciousness = Love?
Can a difference be found?
Violence – In this context, Violence is defined as violating Another’s sovereignty against their will, using physical force.