A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

God Is Dead!


God Is Dead!

You Killed God!


No! He was dead when I got here.

I’m just pointing out the carcass.


You taught us a lot,
from which we have gained.
But it’s time to move on,
in this world that you reigned.

Your body long dead.
Was it ever alive?
I’m sure we will manage,
and possibly thrive.

In dreams and in stories,
did you only exist.
So good-bye and farewell.
Will you even be missed?

You claim that you didn’t kill God.
But you sure did fire a lot of bullets at him?


Hey, I fired bullets into the corpse
to see if it was alive.

And since it didn’t react to being shot,
it must have already been dead.

Why Terms Matter

The term “Singularity”, encapsulates the very essence of what the word is referring to and describing. It has meaning that is not bound to religion, because the Universe itself is not religious.

The term “God”, offers nothing as an insight to the True Nature of the Universe, it describes nothing of the Universe. It only has religious connotations, because religion wants all to consider Religion to be at the centre of the Universe.

Which is just not True.

Religion also requires the Individual to Subordinate their Sovereignty to this idea of “God”, which then opens up vectors for corruption of the Individual, because there is no “God” to be Subordinate to.

The very act of Subordinating Sovereignty is the initiating corruption of the Psyche.

The Other Side Of Hell

Where is this “God”
when One is experiencing
their own personal Inner Hell?


The Answer is found,
when One makes it through
to the other side of Hell.

One then discovers,
there was never any “God”
to begin with.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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