Considering Oneself
is Fake Identity.
Considering Oneself
is Fake Identity.
Why is the Gregorian Calendar structured the way it is?
An Awareness Stability Range is a measure of an Awareness’s ability to remain stable within a defined scope on the Light/Darkness Polarity Scale about the Equilibrium point.
The Cartesian Co-ordinate System uses Negative (-) as an indicator of Direction, not Negative Value or Negative Quantity. What is Negative Value? What is Negative Quantity, when physical Quantity cannot be Less Than Zero? There is no, Less Than Zero. Zero is the Baseline. Zero is the Foundational Context. It is physically impossible to have a Negative number of oranges or a Negative length...
The primary reason for issues such as obesity, drug abuse, alcoholism and others, is an unwillingness to face Emotional and Psychological Darkness.
Traversing the Darkness is transitioning to an Unknown Destination, along an Unknown Path.
Equality – Of Equal Quality.
The Equality of Individuals is a Myth.
According to the political establishment...
There are still many that are waiting for their God to come and save them.
You’re so short.