A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives



Supplemental Post 8

Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely.

John Dalberg-Acton (A.K.A., Lord Acton)

This statement is absurd, although the sentiment is understood.

It would be more accurate to rephrase it this way,

Political power tends to corrupt and
absolute political power corrupts absolutely.

Political power is about power over others. Political power is an illusion crafted by those that wish to dominate others. Another can only have power over you, if you submit to them.

Real power comes from the individual. It is power over Oneself and One’s own life.

One does not come close to touching real, absolute power until One becomes incorruptible.

While you are corruptible you are corrupting the very power that emanates from you.

So, what is corrupting you, you may ask…?



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