A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Directions To Find God


Okay, first, turn Inward,
then take the third path on the right.

Follow this path to the end,
until you get to the Gates of Hell.

These are never locked,
so just walk straight in.

Here is where things become tricky.

Hell is a bit of a maze and establishing
a sense of direction is problematic.

However, perseverance pays off
and it eventually becomes apparent,
that whichever direction you take,
it will always be down.

But go with it.

Oh…, I forgot to mention,
after walking through the Gates of Hell,
they lock behind you.


Managing to make it down
into the Bowels of Hell is a big plus,
just be sure to re-hydrate often,
as it can get quite toasty in there.

Also, best prepare for a long stay,
since finding the way out
is not all that obvious.

Supposing, by chance, you do find the way out,
dragging yourself by the fingernails
up an Almost Vertical Endless Cliff-Face
is the easiest route.

Do not try the other options,
as these go on, meandering forever,
circling back to where you started.

Don’t ask me how I know.

Good for you,
should you make it to the top of
the Almost Vertical Endless Cliff-Face.

Here, you will find yourself on a ledge,
just wide enough to stand on tippy-toes.

Which really only leaves you with two choices.

Either, you slide back into the Bowels of Hell,
or you leap off, surrender to the Infinite Void
and see what happens.

A little hint,
picking the Infinite Void will pretty much
destroy everything you think you are.

So…, there’s that.

Be sure to choose wisely.

If you opt for the Infinite Void,
you are now the Infinite Void.

Well, the problem at this point is,
presuming it was God you were looking for,
it may be disappointing to realise that,
he’s just not here.



Sorry for informing you that
are Infinite Consciousness!

Being a Sovereign Individual means,
that if One chooses to be a Fool,
then One gets to be a Fool.

The Unspoken Rule

“Don’t poke my Delusions and
I won’t poke your Delusions.”


Poke Every Delusion!

Imagining Infinity

Thoughts, Imagination, Ideas.

These are not the Source of Consciousness.
These are a Product of Consciousness.
These are Downstream of Consciousness.


Thoughts, Imagination, Ideas.

Although not considered Material,
are still based on Boundaries and Form.

How does One then Imagine,
the Precursor to all Boundaries and Form?


Infinity/Consciousness is the Precursor
to all Boundaries and Form.

So therefore, cannot be Imagined.

Chicken Or The Egg

Q. Which came first,
God or Religion?

A. Religion.


Religion created the idea of God
so as to be able to parade
as the representative of God.

Because if God came before Religion
and was fine existing prior to Religion…

Why then create Religion?

What is the point
of having inconsequential plebs,
worshipping the
“Creator of the Universe”?


The Cake is a Lie.

Pretenders And Frauds

A Truly Moral Individual of Integrity,
can dispense with the Church,
can dispense with Religion
and still be,
A Truly Moral Individual of Integrity.


Pretenders and Frauds
require the Church,
require Religion
to Validate their Facade
of Morality and Integrity.

An Enlightening Discussion

Religious Person: I believe in a God that lives at the bottom of the ocean.

Singularity: Well, why don’t you leave the safe comfort of the shoreline, swim out into the middle of the ocean and find out for sure?

Religious Person: Oh, I can’t do that. The shoreline is safe and comfortable. Besides, I have put so much time and effort into cultivating my belief, that my whole identity and life, now revolve around it. Could you imagine how devastating it would be if I realised, I was wrong?

Singularity: So, you refuse to find out for sure, because you’re afraid of being wrong?

Religious Person: Well no, not just that. Swimming out into the middle of the ocean is hard. There’s sharks and storms and many other dangerous things.

Singularity: So, you refuse to find out for sure, because you’re afraid of being wrong and it’s hard?

Religious Person: When you say it like that, it makes me sound like a wilfully ignorant coward.

Singularity: If it quacks like a duck…

Religious Person: No, No, No. Thank you for the discussion, but I am quite happy just standing on the shoreline, believing in my God that lives at the bottom of the ocean.

Singularity: Hmm, maybe I should send a Tsunami your way?

The Bible

Accurate Interpretation and Translation
of Original Source Documents is Critical
for Accurate Understanding.

Who Wrote
the Original Source Documents?

Who Interpreted
the Original Source Documents?

Who Translated
the Original Source Documents?

What was their motive?

What was their agenda?

What was included?

What was left out?

What was distorted?

What was made up?

Have the majority
of Religious Individuals
ever asked these questions?

Or, do they just “Believe”,
what is presented at face value?

Completely missing,
what is being conveyed
through the
Original Source Documents.


The Bible, is a Fraud.


For those interested in finding some of the answers to these questions, consider exploring Paul Wallis’s work at the following links.

The True Face Of God

God is Satan.

Satan is God.


Royalty pledges
obedience to God.

Religion pledges
obedience to God.

Governments pledge
obedience to God.


Only a Satanic Entity,
is so pathologically desperate
to be worshipped and glorified.

An insignificant, schizophrenic,
reprehensible Entity,
pretending to be
the Creator of the Universe.


God Is Dead!

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled,
was not, convincing the world he didn’t exist.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled,
was convincing the world he was God.

The Religion Of Newton

Acknowledging and appreciating
Newton’s discoveries,
does not mean that One must now
construct shrines and temples to Newton,
calling Oneself a Newtian.

So why, when acknowledging and appreciating
the Wise teachings of a Christ or a Muhammad,
must One create Churches and Mosques,
calling Oneself a Christian or Muslim?


Is this not ridiculous?

Why do you keep
shooting at the carcass?


Because some
still aren’t convinced
that it’s dead yet.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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