A Conflict cannot be Resolved
if it is Suppressed or Prevented
from occurring in the first place.
Trust And Value
You are obviously
a product of the Universe.
Freedom Is Not, No Rules
“I do not want to be bound by Rules.”
Corporate Caring
We at Bollocks’R’Us Corporation,
we just Care so much,
about this Important Issue.
The Essence Of Satanism
The Essence of Satanism is the establishment of a perceived Sovereign Authority, External to the Sentient Individual. This can take the form of a God, a Religion, a King, a Government, the State or any other viable vehicle. In other words, the Essence of Satanism is any attachment to a perceived External Sovereign Authority. Once this attachment has been created, the Sentient Individual can then...
Society Of Lies
A Society of Lies, is failing generations.
Caution, Artificial Intelligence
A Tool is only as Beneficial,
as the Sentient Intelligence wielding it.
Monsters Making Monsters
Monsters Create Monsters,
as a Reaction to being Monstrous.
Fictions Of A Higher Power
If One behaves in a Moral and Compassionate manner to appease a perceived, “Higher Power”, then One is not functioning from a source of True Morality and Compassion. One is behaving to gain favour from this perceived, “Higher Power”.
Reason For Being
Although the Teachings of the Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and many others, points to Profound Fundamental Understanding, the Teachings themselves are offered within a Specific Contextual Framework.