A Beautiful Aching

Insights and Perspectives

A Beautiful Aching

Insights and Perspectives

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Fictions Of A Higher Power


If One behaves in a Moral and Compassionate manner to appease a perceived, “Higher Power”, then One is not functioning from a source of True Morality and Compassion. One is behaving to gain favour from this perceived, “Higher Power”.

Reason For Being


Although the Teachings of the Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and many others, points to Profound Fundamental Understanding, the Teachings themselves are offered within a Specific Contextual Framework.

The Socialist Problem


The primary issue with Socialism, is that the Socialist is not really concerned with the welfare and well-being of a population.

What’s Going On?


Could the current Political Establishment be deliberately destroying the reputation of Legal Institutions?

Extrasensory Perception


If One has a functional sense of smell, then One is able to distinguish the fragrance of a flower, from the stench of a rotting corpse. Even though, One may not see or be able to determine where the source of these aromas lay.

A Soul’s Catch 22


A Soul must be able to turn up the Energetic Intensity to help resolve the barriers that inhibit Awareness from penetrating deeper into Being.

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