If One were to explain to a fish
of all that exists beyond the Ocean,
then the fish could retort...
The Power Of Creation
When One expresses a creation
that is truly exceptional,
they are not proud of it,
they are not boastful of it,
they are not egotistical about it.
Opportunity Costs Of Creation
As has been stated in the previous posts, The Fundamental Process Of Nature and Nature, The Algorithm, Creation is the manifestation of Consciousness. It is the vehicle for Consciousness to gain greater Understanding of itself, with Nature being the Algorithm that facilitates this process.
The Shadow Self
The “Shadow Self” is a term that is used to define aspects of Human Consciousness that Awareness is not cognizant of. The phrase, “Phantom Zone”, has previously been used to identify this same notion in the post, The Human Consciousness Model.
Morality Intertwining Integrity
Morality is not a virtuous garb
that is adorned only
when convenience permits.
Ideology And Religion
Criticisms of Christianity are not exclusive to this particular group of religions. Christianity is simply the one most familiar to the author. Similar criticisms can be made for all organised religions that worship and idolise.
War Heroes
War is the penalty on all,
for failing to avoid the War.
The Individual’s Stand
When One has the courage
to Stand on their own,
it matters not who or how many
Stands with them.
The Social Degradation Spiral
A society that is dependent on “Strong Leadership” for it to function, means the society itself is weak. The reason the society is weak, is because the Individual is weak.
Free Will?
What is, “Free Will”?