A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

Riding On Coattails


To all those that enjoy patting themself on the back for being American and consider America the “greatest country in the world”, are your self-congratulatory back slaps really justified?

Those that fought for the independence of the United States of America, especially the Founding Fathers, truly were exceptional Individuals.

However, every generation since has not improved on that vision, instead they have allowed the gradual degradation of the United States into an imperialist tyranny, within and without its borders.

Is this worthy of praise? Is this worthy of the title, “The Greatest”?

Or is it more rightly a source of shame?

To be given so much, only to squander it all.

The Beacon of Liberty that the United States was for Humanity, is dying.

How many are there, of the quality of the Founding Generation, to ensure that this does not happen?

How many are there, that are willing to make a real stand, not simply pat themself on the back for the past achievements of others?

There a many on the outside looking in, doing whatever possible to ensure that the founding vision of the United States does not fall.

For it is not only the people of the United States at stake, it is all of Humanity.

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