Strong Leadership
is the Antithesis
to a Strong Society.
It is the Strong Individual
that is the Foundation
of a Strong Society.
A society that is dependent on “Strong Leadership” for it to function, means the society itself is weak. The reason the society is weak, is because the Individual is weak.
Weak Individuals require “Strong Leadership” to lead them and “Strong Leadership” requires weak Individuals to be led.
“Strong Leadership” strives to weaken a society, in an effort to exploit and manoeuvre the society to the bidding of “Strong Leadership”.
A strong society based on Strong Individuals, will greatly resist any underhanded manipulation from “Strong Leadership”.
The field of viable candidates to occupy “Strong Leadership” roles will dwindle, as the Individuals within society become weaker.
As a consequence, this results in weak Individuals filling these positions and to compensate for inadequacies, they establish ever more oppressive forms of “Strong Leadership”.
Strong Individuals have no requirement for “Strong Leadership”. Strong Individuals are the bane of “Strong Leadership”.
The demand for “Strong Leadership” is a condition that a society anticipating robust stability and longevity should vigorously avoid.
Depreciation of the Individual within society, begins the deterioration of society.
A degraded society then looks for “Strong Leadership” to stabilise the society and in doing so, diminishes the Individual even further. Thus leading to a weaker Individual, which then ensures a weaker society, that then calls for even greater enforcement of, “Strong Leadership”.
This is, The Social Degradation Spiral.
When talk begins for the need for “Strong Leadership”, the Individual, along with society, is in trouble.
The Hierarchy Of Resilience
Psychological Frailty
leads to
Emotional Frailty
leads to
Physical Frailty.
Psychological Robustness
leads to
Emotional Robustness
leads to
Physical Robustness.