Does the Target of Evil sometimes enact Evil, as a desperate response to the Source of Evil itself?
Does the Source Evil then use this response, to self-righteously deflect from its underhanded machinations?
Most definitely!
Rather than admonish and demonise the Target of Evil exclusively, maybe some deeper and honest inquiry is required to identify the real Source of Evil.
Evil does not discriminate with regard to the willing surrogates that carry out its bidding.
Surrogates of Evil can identify as Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist…
Surrogates of Evil can identify as Israeli, American, British, German, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Iranian…
Currently though, Israel is the State of Evil. Along with its captured vassals in London, Washington, Brussels.
Ironically, these captured vassals are the ones that gave birth to and sponsor, the Israeli State of Evil.
This is a case of the tail wagging the dog for so long, that the dog is now almost helpless to stop it.
Is it not interesting, how ISIS spends a lot of time and effort attacking those that Israel deems its enemies, but never seems to turn its attention to Israel itself?
Curious. No?