A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives

What’s Going On?


Could the current Political Establishment
be deliberately destroying
the reputation of Legal Institutions?

All in an attempt to avoid being held accountable
for their own countless reprehensible crimes?


What could some of those crimes be?

Human Slave Trade.

Human Sex Trafficking.

Covert Breeding Programs.

Human Genetic Engineering Programs.

Biological Weapons Programs.

Human Organ Harvesting.


Perverse Sexual Rituals.

Ritualistic Adult and Child Torture.

Ritualistic Adult and Child Sacrifice.


Why are Biological Archetypes being Perverted?

Why is Sexual Perversion being Normalised?

Why is Individual Identity being Destroyed?


Why is Corporate and Government Media
not reporting on any of this?



Ah, don’t worry about it.

Go back to watching your Sports Ball
and Superhero Movies.

This is all just
Conspiracy Theory

Or, you could
pray harder to your God
to fix things.

Surely that will work now,
even though it hasn’t to this point.


Humanity’s Choice

Either, the immune system of the Body
becomes Aware of and Resolves
any diseases that afflict the Body,
or those diseases will destroy the Body itself.


This is Humanity’s Choice.

Becoming Evil

You fight against Evil,
but now, you have become Evil.

So, what has that achieved,
other than, perpetuating Evil?

Chasing Fairy Tales

Forget Ideology.

Forget Theology.

Forget Philosophy.

Endeavour to Discover Truth.


Truth, most definitely is,
Stranger than any Fiction.

Demoralisation Campaign

“They’re trying to Demoralise us.”



What are you going to do,
when you have the all Morale
beaten out of you?

Fear Is Natural, Hmm

Claiming Fear as Natural is similar
to claiming Pus is Natural.

Indeed, Pus is Natural,
in an infected wound.

Although technically true,
what is the point?


Nonsense masquerading as Wisdom.

Change And Stability

Outer Change and Turmoil
requires Inner Stability.

Inner Change and Turmoil
requires Outer Stability.

Inner and Outer
Change and Turmoil
will be Precarious.

Inner and Outer Stability
results in Stagnation.


During a period of
Extreme Outer Turmoil,
a Deep Inner Stability
is Imperative.

During a period of
Severe Inner Turmoil,
a Solid Outer Stability
is Vital.

Entertaining Distractions

Entertainment, Entertainment.

Give me my Mindless Entertainment.

I need my fix of Entertainment.

I need Entertainment
to Distract me from Myself.


Nice Person

You’re a Nice Person.

But So What?

Nice People are a Dime a Dozen.

And yet, Imbeciles are Everywhere.

Be Bold!

Yes, Be Bold,

Not Stupid.

Which Hell?

Refusing to Engage and Resolve One’s own Inner Hell,
will contribute to the manifest Reflection of an Outer Hell.

Which Hell would you prefer to Experience?

Inner, Outer or Both?


Face and Resolve Your Demons,
before Your Demons Resolve You.

Strength Training

One does not become
Physically Stronger,
by avoiding
Physical Activity.

Similarly, One does not become
Emotionally and Psychologically Stronger,
by avoiding
Emotional and Psychological Difficulty.

Special Snowflake

“You’re So Special.”


You are not Special,
simply for breathing.

If you want to Be Special,
then Become Special.

First step to Becoming Special,
is to not be concerned
with Being Special.

In other words,
Drop the Bullshit.

Bureaucratic Boors

Western Countries
no longer have Diplomats.

Western Countries
have Bureaucratic Boors.


Only Snivelling Runts
need to Prove they are “Top Dog”.

Political Prostitution

A Regular Prostitute
only Sells their Body
for the Gratification of Others.

A Political Prostitute
has their Morality and Principles for Sale
to benefit themself at the Expense of Others.

It seems that Regular Prostitution
is the more Noble Profession.

Democratic Responsibility

If a Population chooses to engage
in a Governmental Democracy,
then the Population is Responsible for the
Actions, Behaviours and Consequences
of any Legitimate Government elected.

If a Government is Illegitimately installed,
then the Population bears no Burden,
provided the Population takes measures
to correct the Illegitimacy.

A Legal System that validates the Illegitimacy,
through Corruption and/or Wilful Avoidance,
immediately becomes Illegitimate.

The Reality Of Democracy

Democracy may well mean,
Rule by the People.

Democracy in Reality is,
Manipulation of the People.

A Beautiful Aching

About the author

Drazen Rob

Drazen is the creator of this blog and the content is based on his own experiences and the understanding that has come from them.

Hence the tagline, Insights and Perspectives.

By Drazen Rob
A Beautiful Aching Insights and Perspectives
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